Some clients and their testimonials

Lee-Ann Baines, author of Over the Rainbow

Dean Yeadon (2021)
(Author of Mzungu Diaries; Litchis & Blackface Ferraris; Laika the Muttnick Lands in Mauritius; Superman races the Pamplemousses; The Wedding Singer; and Ode to the Unpublished.)
My book only became a book after it had been edited. You breathed life into my work.
I knew I wasn’t good at grammar, punctuation and often not even clear on what I had written. Lexi could see the book in the book and that’s how she edited, with attention to detail. It became clear to me that I got more than I bargained for! I could not have wished for a better and more thorough editor. Thank you so much Lexi for your hard work. Sybe Starkenburg, author: The Tightrope of the Absurd (2016)

Luke Kilian, author, The Soul Matters.
When I interviewed editors for my fiction novel, The Immortal Life of Piu Piu, I chose Alexia Lawson. She convinced me with her fine command of the English language, her sensitivity for the subject matter, and the precision of her work. Communicating with her is easy, delivery is prompt and her rates are fair. I am very pleased to recommend her editing services to all writers.
Bianca Gubalke, author: The Immortal Life of Piu-Piu. (Arteby Publishing, 2015.)

Good editors are very hard to find, and Alexia is every writer’s dream one. It took me five years of continuous search—from North America to Europe, and even to Oceania—to find her. And having paid wrong people for my work all along, it dawned upon me, once I read her first sample edit, that I had just met my first true editor. One knows immediately when their work was edited for the money and when it was handled with dedication and respect. The latter is what one is guaranteed to get from Alexia, in addition, of course, to pure talent and personal wisdom and intelligence, all of which explains why her work will always belittle—if unwittingly—that of your average editor.
Aloysius Gonzaga, author

During my journey with Lexi, I learned a great deal and she clearly understood what I was attempting to convey – she did not change my style and was open to further suggestions and changes that I made. Her changes and suggestions were not cast in stone and I believe a better manuscript resulted. Further, and what is more important, when I was feeling despondent about the book and thought of throwing in the towel, she encouraged me and urged me on. This is invaluable and assisted me greatly in completing the task that we had set.
I treasure the time we spent on the manuscript and would unhesitatingly approach her for any work I do as well as recommend her to others who seek an exceptional editor.
Garth Brink, author: Embracing Time: Reflection on a personal journey (2021)